IPPC - ISPM Nr. 15 marking possibilities - Overview

Packaging wood for transport must be marked with a special marking containing the IPPC logo as well as a company registration code to ensure that the packaging wood was treated correctly to the ISPM Nr. 15 regulations.This marking can be done in various ways, we offer diffent products to facilitate the marking of your products.

IPPC - ISPM Nr. 15 marking - possible marking techniques

Electric branding iron

  • Very permanent marks
  • Cannot be removed or counterfeit
  • Easy to handle, fast marking
  • Available in various sizes
  • Powerful stamp even for high quantities

Hand roller stamp

  • For fast and high-quantity marking
  • Available in various sizes
  • Stamping ink for wooden packaging
  • Special rubber for high-quality marks

Hand stamp

  • Very favourable method of marking
  • Most suitable for small quantities
  • Special rubber for high-quality marks
  • Additional ink pad required

Stencil marking

  • Very favourable method of marking
  • Most suitable for medium and high quantities
  • Available as plastic or metal stencil
  • Available in various sizes
  • Popular way of marking